In Lieu of Time Travel
Would you change the past if you could?
Seems risky but, if it were possible, I’ve got a small list of things I’d want to do. I’d stop tragedies where I could, chat with some of my long dead beloveds, and stop myself from making the mistakes for which I now suffer the consequences.
Short of time travel, offering the benefit of our experience to the next generation may be the closest we’ll get to a do-over. In that spirit, we offer these four book recommendations for you or any young adults in your life.
The Psychology of Money: Timeless Lessons on Wealth, Greed, and Happiness by Morgan Housel
Recommended by: Kurt Box, CFP®, Partner
Kurt loves this book for it’s focus on human behavior. Kurt says “we make finance way too hard, and it isn’t about how smart you are. The Psychology of Money should be required reading for everyone”.
With over 24,000 5-star ratings on Amazon, and over 3 million copies sold, Kurt is clearly not alone in believing this to be a pivotal work in personal finance. Get it on Amazon.
The Treasure Principle: Unlocking the Secret of Joyful Giving by Randy Alcorn
Recommended by: Cole Campbell CFP®, Partner
Updated in 2017 and originally published way back in 2001, Randy Alcorn introduces readers to “a revolution in material freedom and radical generosity”. The Treasure Principle offers a Christian perspective on personal finance and stewardship over material resources.
Cole’s take: “…this is the best book any parent can have their kids read!” Get it on Amazon.
Your Money or Your Life: 9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez
Recommended by: Liz Montenegro, Advisor
Stellar marks from the likes of Oprah Winfrey, The Los Angeles Times and Money Magazine help solidify its place as a “seminal guide” to personal money management.
Liz’s thoughts: “It’s a good book to look at finance as a whole, it emphasizes that personal finance is not just about money, it’s also about your values and relationships. It does a good job helping you determine your budget and figuring out how much your lifestyle costs. Had I read this when I was younger, it would have helped me make better choices about the things I was spending money on. Basically, I could have saved A LOT or I could have bought things that actually brought me joy!!!” Get it on Amazon.
The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America’s Wealthy by Thomas Stanley and William Danko
Recommended by: Paul Palmer, Jr., CFP®, Partner
An oldie, but a goodie. Originally written in 1998 with a new edition appearing in 2010, this book explores seven attributes of wealthy people, noting that “Most of the truly wealthy in this country don’t live in Beverly Hills or on Park Avenue, they live next door.”
Paul believes this book “would have influenced me at a younger age; my habits of thinking ahead, paying myself first, making smart decisions and learning how to put money to work. “ Get it on Amazon.