The Distillery Newsletter
We’re dedicated to providing relevant financial information to help you guide your financial goals … and to providing a bit of fun. Sign up to receive notifications.
The Markets in 2023
Highlights from 2023’s market performance and a general warning against market predictions.
Catching Up: Tax Perks for Older Folks
A short discourse on catch-up provisions, including upcoming changes stemming from the SECURE 2.0 Act.
Starting Up: Tax Tips for New Landlords
Tips for those considering becoming a landlord and a strong suggestion you meet with your advisor before doing so!
Before We Plan
Finding your purpose before we plan for your money. Plus a positive spin on death and statistics.
Solving The “Stuff” Problem
Rewarding and waste-reducing ways to give gifts to your loved ones.
The Christmas Ham Analogy
Musings on the value of tradition in your life and in your finances. Spoiler alert: it’s not all good.
Changing Course
Getting ready to set goals? See how the “end of history” illusion may impact them.
Reasons to Write A Legacy Letter
Learn why you should include this valuable tool in your legacy plan.